
Research indicates that individuals who sit for prolonged periods daily, such as office workers, are most likely to have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or even spinal issues such as disc herniation. With the emerging technology and the demanding nature of jobs, we, unfortunately, find ourselves stuck with our computer screens and electronic devices, leading to poor posture.

Some of us manage to take breaks from work by taking a walk near the office building, but others with demanding jobs don't have that option; as a result, their bodies end up suffering from excess strain.

While you might not change your desk job for one that allows you to stay active all day, you can sit properly and maintain the correct posture that promotes a healthy back and spine.

To evade the negative effects of short-term and long-term sitting, continue reading to learn how to sit properly at your desk? We will also highlight some of the best sitting postures that aid in reducing pain and promote good posture and physical health.

Bad posture, bad habits, bad office chair, back painWhy Does Correct Sitting Posture Matter? 

It would help if you determined how to sit at your desk properly, since maintaining an ideal sitting posture is considered one of the easiest ways to lead a wholesome life. On the other hand, you might be amazed to know that people fail to maintain proper sitting posture. The following are the adverse effects associated with sitting for prolonged hours:

  1. High body weight 

  2. Upper back pain

  3. Tight hips 

  4. Depression and anxiety 

  5. Stiff/neck and shoulder 

  6. Weak legs/glutes

  7. Cervical disc herniation

  8. Poor circulation

If you are already experiencing such issues, understanding how to maintain good posture can aid in avoiding such problems in the future.  

What's the proper way to sit at desk?

  • Finding a comfortable chair: 

Finding a comfortable office chair is one of the initial steps to sitting properly. After all, a good office chair allows you to work for extended hours in a sitting position that will not negatively impact your health.

The following are some of the features that you must consider while investing in your office chair:

  •  A Chair that Supports Your Back: 

Look for an office chair that has a shape that matches your natural curve of the spine, as such chairs are designed to offer your back the proper comfort and support that it requires. Like Sphinx, an office chair can provide good wrist rest, upper back support, and good posture and can be considered a wise investment.

Proper desk setup

  •  A chair that Offers you Adjustability: 

    Nowadays, there are a lot of chairs that enable you to change the chair height based on your preference. KRAKEN chairs hold - a pneumatic adjustment feature as it enables the user to adjust the seat height as per their requirements so that they can sit upright on the seat pan and keep their feet well balanced.

  • A chair that Holds a Swivel Base: 

A good chair has to swivel freely, enabling the users to access the various spots in their work area that promote maximum efficiency. BEHEMOTH holds the capability to move around the chair in different directions, which contributes to its usefulness.

  1. Sitting Position for Your Screen & How to Sit Properly: 

Many individuals don't know that a poorly positioned monitor can create uncomfortable and clumsy postures that result in a distressing musculoskeletal disorder (MSD).

The other issue associated with an erroneously placed monitor screen is eyestrain, which is a pretty common condition that can contribute to health and productivity issues.

Furthermore, positioning the monitor and keyboard in their proper alignment helps keep your wrists straight and protects you from repeatedly adjusting your shoulders, neck, and head.

Optimal Position for hips

  1. Keep both feet flat on the Floor: 

Your feet need to be flat on the ground. You can also try using footrests if your legs are not touching the floor. Do not keep your knees, ankles, or legs crossed as it will decrease the blood flow. Maintain a slight distance between your knees and the chair's seat. Your knees should be at the same height as your hips or slightly lower.

  1. Take Frequent Standing Breaks: 

Even when maintaining proper posture while sitting on the seat, you must consider that the human body is not designed to be desk-bound. Many studies have even highlighted the unhealthy effects of hunching over a keyboard and sitting for prolonged hours, including tension/pain in the neck, muscle fatigue and poor blood flow.

So, it's essential to incorporate a temporary break into your regimen - stand and stretching your muscles, climbing the stairs or taking a stroll down to the coffee shop are some of the few things you can do to make the body active.  

Sit with a straight back for proper sitting posture for hips and knees

  1. Keep your Screen at Eye Level: 

If you are experiencing any discomfort after staying in front of your computer screen for a long time, you might consider changing the ergonomics of your office desk. In addition to this, you can begin by changing the position of your computer monitor, but to do so, you must find the correct sitting posture while working on the computer. 

  • Arm's Length:

You must position the screen directly in front of you and adjust the monitor's height. The height of your screen must be no more than 2 inches above your eye level, since a computer screen that is too high or too low might strain both your neck and eyes.

Most people also have items that they frequently use, such as their phone, keyboard, and notepad, which might be required to be close to their workstation. Stretching to reach things you need might cause further muscle strain. So, it's recommendable to keep such items at arm's length away.

good posture

Key Takeaways 

Prolonged sitting can cause the risk of many diseases, including diabetes, weight gain, back pain, and strained shoulders and neck. Such condition doesn't allow individuals to lead a content, wholesome life. However, there are a few steps that you can take to adjust and properly sit. Considering and investing in ergonomic chairs will help you sit correctly, as such chairs are designed to work for long periods at your desk, being easy on your back while not impacting your health adversely.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that such chairs can be a decent investment for you since they provide maximum comfort and prevent you from various injuries, strains, and soreness.  


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